
01. Organizational Problems
02. Inflexible Management Structure
03. Acceptance of Unreasonable Demands
04. Unknown Cause
05. Occurrence of Abnormal Phenomenon
06. Typhoon
07. Insufficient Analysis or Research
08. Insufficient Prior Research
09. Insufficient Judgments/Rethinking
10. Planning and Design
11. Poor Planning
12. Bad Design
13. Warships/Vessels
14. Lack of Vessel's Strength
15. Usage
16. Operation/Use
17. Cruise
18. Possible Damage
19. Potential Hazard
20. Huge Wave
21. Failure
22. Deformation
23. Buckling
24. Loss to Organization
25. Social Loss
26. Defense Deterioration

The 4th Fleet incident
Case Details 100 Selected Cases

Field Material Science
Author KOBAYASHI, Hideo (Yokohama National University)