Case Ditails

Case Name A worker fell to the fourth floor from the staircase landing at the fifth floor when the stair was under construction.
Date June 19, 2001
Place Oita prefecture.
Location Construction work.
Overview This is the crash disaster.
In the construction work field, a worker fell to the fourth floor from the staircase landing at the fifth floor when the stair was under construction. ( the left wrist fracture )
Incident A worker fell to the fourth floor from the staircase landing at the fifth floor.
Sequence In the construction work field, a worker was going to the fourth floor from the staircase landing at the fifth floor, it didn't passed through under a ceiling scaffold of the fifth floor but handrail (its height 1m ) of fifth floor staircase landing, and fell through. ( the left wrist fracture )
Cause 1) There were no middle crosspiece, baseboard and caution marks of opening in the handrail.
2) Fretfulness to work and human error caused by increased fatigue.
Response 1) The following were set up on the handrail : Middle crosspiece, baseboard and caution marks of opening.
2) The safe consciousness improvement education was carried out.
Countermeasures 1) Installation of the safety equipment based on work plans.
2) Completeness of confirmation of the safety equipment by the manager.
3) Improvement in safe consciousness by the safety education.
Knowledge Comment Importance of work plans.
Importance of the confirmation.
Importance of the safety education.
Reason for Adding to DB This failure is a typical disaster caused by human error.
Primary Scenario Carelessness, Fatigue or Poor Health, Misjudgment, Misperception, Insufficient Analysis or Research, Insufficient Prior Research, Poor Concept, Poor Strategy or Concept, Organizational Problems, Inflexible Management Structure, Organizational Problems, Poor Management, Regular Movement, Wrong Movement, Bodily Harm, Injury, Psychological Harm, Mental Trauma, Loss to Organization, Social Loss
Sources KUMAGAI GUMI CO.,LTD Kyushu branch failure example utilization workshop.
Number of Deaths 0
Number of Injuries 1
Field Civil Engineering
Author Fujimoto Masaru (KUMAGAI GUMI Co., Ltd.)